There have been many studies showing the positive effects on the brain and body after volunteering for a good cause. Volunteering has been shown to combat depression, relive stress and anxiety and in many cases helps you stay physically healthy. It is also beneficial when working to advance your career or education.
Meet Angelica Alvarez, a native of Puerto Rico who moved to Florida in 2002 after living in New York for 15 years. As a mother of two Angelica “prayed to God to place me in a job where I would be of service, and He blessed me with this job in 2017”. Angelica has also been blessed with two beautiful grandchildren.
While working towards the vision of creating a society where all persons with disabilities are valued contributors in the workforce and community, Angelica decided to go back to school at Eastern Florida State College. “I am now working on my Business Administration degree with a concentration in Human Resources.”
Along with classmates Amanda Cross and Reina Peterson, the three women decided to take on a weighty project for their business principals class. The final grade is based on a fundraiser for a non-profit agency as team. “We chose BAC as our agency and decided to raise funds for the [Adult Day Training] client’s classrooms”
The fundraiser was composed of three elements. Amanda put together a collection box for various classroom and arts supplies. Reina decided to do a 50/50 cash raffle and Angelica sold home made Pastelillos, a Puerto Rican snack.
According to Angelica “We had 3 weeks to collect as many funds and supplies as we could and in the end, we raised $223 and a large donation of various supplies including drawing pads, pencils, Elmer’s glue, crayons and more”
Reina’s manager at the Best Western Cocoa beach also donated a 2-night hotel stay that “the agency can use as they’d like, perhaps as a raffle item at a future fundraiser.”
Brevard Achievement Center is profoundly grateful for the hard work and dedication of Angelica, Amanda and Reina, and we are truly blessed to have such an empowered team on our side, volunteering through their busy schedules to be at the service of others.
- Angelica Presents BAC with the proceeds from the raffle and the donations box
- Reina presents BAC with the hotel stay for a future fundraiser
- Adult Day Training Client Tim draws the winner for the 50/50 Raffle