Team BAC Celebrates Legislative Victory with Senator Tom Wright, Representative Thad Altman (not photographed) and Dr. Brenda Fettrow, City of Rockledge Manager
Rockledge, FL – Team BAC is thrilled to announce a significant legislative victory, thanks to the unwavering support of Senator Tom Wright, Represenative Thad Altman and the City of Rockledge. On 16th of July 2024, Senator Wright and Rockledge City Manager Dr. Brenda Fettrow visited the Team BAC headquarters in Rockledge to celebrate the organization’s achievements and present a crucial grant.
During the 2024 Florida Legislative June session, Team BAC alongside one of our Adult Day Training Program participants, Shane, actively advocated for increased funding for programs supporting individuals with disabilities. With Shane’s advocacy, BAC received additional program funding, with a $25,000 increase over last year! Senator Tom Wright presented BAC with a $300,000 grant.
“I’ll just tell them. I’ll tell them me and my friends like learning things. We like our art class. We like knowing how to ride the bus and cook. And we really like going out to places like bowling and the park and Sam’s Club and seeing what to do. I’ll just tell them they need to help.” said Shane.

During their visit Senator Wright, his legislative assistant, Chris, and Dr. Fettrow met with many of our employees and participants, who eagerly shared their experiences and the work they do here at BAC.

We are grateful for the leadership of Senator Tom Wright and Representative Thad Altman, who sponsored our bill, and to the entire Brevard delegation who supported its passage. These funds will make it possible for our participants to continue to access the tools and resources they need to keep learning, growing and participating in the community. Special thanks to Shane and his family for their part in growing the impact BAC has on so many lives.
#TeamBAC #Advocacy #DisabilitySupport #Rockledge #PowerOfBAC #ThankYou #SenatorTomWright #RepresentatveThadAltman #CityOfRockledge