Other than our mission, Brevard Achievement Center (BAC) strives to continuously shape the viewpoints our community has on people with disabilities. When our clients enter the workforce or attend a new school program, the experience is always a positive one. The interaction between two differentiating parties provides an opportunity to learn from one another. It allows growth for all. Openness, acceptance and the willingness to learn, share and educate others are symbols of progression and wisdom. Everyday Brevard is changing for the better and its all because of you.
A small fraction of the power of BAC looms in the audiences and participants in the annual Performing Arts Showcase. This event, produced by BAC Arts Program Director, Lee Sorensen, welcomes the Brevard community into the King Center for a spectacular show. Exceptional Student Education students ranging from elementary to middle school, as well as BAC’s Adult Day Training clients, work eagerly with community art teachers to perfect their theatrical routines. Thanks to Mrs. Sorensen, the experience for everyone involved is a memory not forgotten.

The 2017 Performing Arts Showcase was a success and joy for all.
A Letter by Dina Casabianca
Dear Mrs. Sorensen,
The Performing Arts Showcase (PAS) meant to much to me and my students. We practiced for weeks and weeks, and when my students went out on stage to dance… it was like they were a herd of deer caught in the headlights! Not a single one of them danced and they stood there in total shock as I whispered words of encouragement from the wings.
All of a sudden, however, most of them started to dance – but it wasn’t the dance we had practiced. Some of the students tried but by this time they were off the music and couldn’t seem to find the rhythm. Others decided to freestyle, and showed off moves I’d never seen before. All I could think was, oh my gosh, the Superintendent is out there in the audience. What is he going to think?, and my principal is here… there goes my evaluation.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, the song ended and the kids came running off the stage. One of my boys was crying. I walked over, intending to console him when he looked up at me and smiled through his tears. “Christian, are you okay? Why are you crying?” He looked at me and said, “Ms. C, I did it. I got up on stage and danced in front of all those people, I did it!”, and in that moment, I had tears in my eyes too. Then, one of my girls who was off beat the entire dance, threw her arms around my neck and said, “that was so much fun! Thank you so much for bringing us here! Can we do it again?” My heart totally melted.
THAT is what the PAS is all about. That three-minute performance did more for my students than any classroom activity we have ever done. They felt amazing, and they absolutely should. They overcame their fears, did they best the could and came away with such a feeling of joy and pride that will last a lifetime.
It wasn’t only the kids who learned something that day. Listening to them afterwards and seeing how much pleasure they had gotten out of performing reminded me that sometimes it is not all about the finished product. We don’t need perfection for being considered a success, no matter who is watching. In fact, this whole experience gives me anew meaning to the quote, “Dance like no one is watching,” and if we would all take a moment to enjoy what we’re doing like my students, imagine how amazing this world would be.
Thank you so much for this opportunity and we look forward to working with you again in the future.
Dina Casabianca
To learn more about the Performing Arts Showcase and how you can score seats for the 2018 performance at the King Center on October 30th, visit bacbrevard.com.