For those with a warm heart for furry friends, donating necessities for animals without a forever home might be something to put on your agenda. Accepting anything and everything from chew toys to pine shavings, rescue centers and animal shelters will be more than happy to accept your generosity. For a complete list of shelters in the state of Florida, please visit and start giving today.

Patrick was cool, calm and collected as he gave a thumbs up in honor of his donating success.
Donating for a Good Cause
It is to no one’s surprise that Brevard Achievement Center (BAC) loves to contribute to our community. Rather it be raising funds at a 5K race for Autism or rallying for disabilities, BAC always makes it their mission to give back.
One of our partners who’s branches work with some of our clients is the Brevard Human Society. This nonprofit has the motto, “no kill for space” and is Brevard County’s oldest established animal welfare organization. With a mission and value something BAC believes in, we were more than happy to take part in an Items Drive. From August 20th to September 14th, BAC placed bins in the hallways where staff and clients could bring in items for donation. Over the course of two weeks, the BAC family loaded up multiple donation bins full of food, toys and supplies.
Round of ap-PAWS
One our clients went above and beyond. With items overflowing from the bins, BAC staff had to move Patrick’s donated items onto a platform truck. And that still was not enough room! Spilling over to the floor next to it, the BAC multipurpose room is housing way more than a handful of pet necessities.
When clients got news of the Items Drive, Patrick shared the message with his friends and family. And they did not discriminate; collecting supplies for cats, dogs, birds, even rodents, Patrick and his friends pulled together the most magnificent donation of all.
When asked for a comment on his successful organization of supplies, Patrick had no comment but a thumbs up. Way to go, Patrick! And thanks to all the friends, family, and neighbors who helped contribute to those in need!
To learn more about the Brevard Humane Society, visit their website here.

Thanks to everyone who donated, animals at the Brevard Humane Society are going to be able to feast!

Pet supplies for animals of all species!