by Keri Goff | Oct 9, 2018 | Donations, Fiftieth Anniversary, Fundraising, Habilitiation Programs, Success Stories
Like Marlin and Dory, Justin M. and Joan Albano shared a special bond under the sea. Justin, a Brevard Achievement Center (BAC) Adult Day Training (ADT) client, dreamed of going to the aquarium. He shared this with BAC’s Dream. Wish. Wonder. program. However,...
by Keri Goff | Oct 4, 2018 | Donations, Fiftieth Anniversary, Fundraising, Habilitiation Programs, Success Stories
Everyone has one thing in common that occurs in their lives every year. Though, it usually takes place at different times. This “thing” represents growth and longevity of life. In fact, most honor it with a celebration; some throw a party, some book a trip… Typically...
by Keri Goff | Sep 24, 2018 | Donations, Fiftieth Anniversary, Fundraising, Habilitiation Programs, Success Stories
Snoop Dogg. Eminem. Notorious Nate. Wait, who? Nate is His Name Day program client Nate W. has always wanted to make a rap video. But his dream seemed out of reach for many reasons. That is until Brevard Achievement Center (BAC) launched its Dream. Wish. Wonder....
by Keri Goff | Jul 18, 2018 | Donations, Fiftieth Anniversary, Fundraising, Habilitiation Programs, Success Stories
After having golfed on a putting green some odd years ago, Nas R. was eager to take on an 18-hole course. He expressed his desire to hit the greens when the Dream. Wish. Wonder. team was taking requests. And to Nas’s surprise, his dream was the next one to be filled....
by Keri Goff | May 23, 2018 | Events, Fiftieth Anniversary, Habilitiation Programs
BAC team members recently unearthed photos and documents from a Girl Scouts trip in 1984. A walk down memory lane transpired from there. BAC’s Girl Scouts Troop Records show BAC’s Girl Scouts troop, the Explorer Scouts, had a great year in 1984. A well...
by Keri Goff | Dec 13, 2017 | Donations, Fundraising, Habilitiation Programs
When our daughter, Michaela, was born in an Illinois hospital severely premature almost 23 years ago, the doctors gave her no chance for survival. But, God had different plans for our only child. Michaela was fortunate to spend 17 years enrolled in the Illinois School...