Pam, at far left, trained at Perkins
Pam W. traveled a long and winding road to arrive at Brevard Achievement Center (BAC). Confused and unsure about her future, she came to BAC and enrolled in its day program where classroom education and work projects would fill her schedule. But, she quickly realized it wasn’t enough.
Expressing her frustration with her program coordinator, Pam was told she might be a good candidate for the Industry Readiness Training (IRT) program because of the emphasis it placed on self discovery. Pam agreed and into the IRT program she went. And despite having a health setback, Pam never lost sight of her goal. Back on track, Pam began training in food service preparation at Perkins-Viera.
“Pam is a very hard worker,” said Luisa Ozuna, IRT employment coordinator. “She earned many accolades from Shahrooz Banapoor, the owner of Perkins, due to her positive attitude and behaviors. Her Perkins trainers also said they felt comfortable letting her work independently.”
Last year a position opened at the Riverside dining facility located at Patrick Air Force Base (PAFB), one of 14 contract locations the agency oversees. Ozuna and Operations Coordinator Sandi Mayo, who is in charge of the dining contract, helped Pam prepare for the job interview so she could successfully secure the position. In addition, hearing from Pam that her family had concerns about the job, Ozuna and Mayo assured her relatives that, if she was hired, accommodations would be made for Pam’s unique health challenges and transportation would be provided by BAC’s transportation program. Pam has now been happily employed at PAFB since August 2017.
“I love the camaraderie I have with my co-workers, the conversations I have with the customers and the military atmosphere,” said Pam. “Working on a base makes me feel like I’m a part of something bigger.”
Thanks to Pam’s decision to set a course for her life she has a bright future ahead.