Industry Readiness Training (IRT) is a structured, integrative training program designed to increase and/or improve a person’s social, behavioral and vocational skills and traits. Through a series of assessments and on-the-job trainings, IRT clients will be able to obtain a variety of certifications – all of which can be presented to a potential employer. Similarly, this program also provides education on Food Safety Handling, CIM Training, Driver’s Education, Haz. Comm, First Aid, CPR and Bloodborne Pathogens.
Read on to see two blog entries from IRT clients on what they have learned in the program about Bloodborne Pathogens.

Clients are offered the opportunity to become certified in Bloodborne Pathogens through courses at the Industry Readiness Training (IRT) facilities.
What I’ve Learned About Bloodborne Pathogens
A blog from IRT client, Nadia K.
I am going to talk to you about what I’ve learned about Bloodborne Pathogens.
When I first came into the Industry Readiness Training program, I vaguely knew what a Bloodborne Pathogen was. I just thought you took precautions to avoid the flu or a cold. But now I know that Bloodborne Pathogens are not a germ that you can just wash away, or take medicine to get rid of… Bloodborne Pathogens are tine micro-organisms that dive into the blood! It’s a lot more serious than it sounds – although anything involving the word ‘blood’ is scary to me! Bloodborne Pathogens trigger HIV and Hepatitis B. That is why it is smart to take the necessary precautions and one way to do this is to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): gloves, goggles, face-masks, gowns, etc.
Protecting yourself from Bloodborne Pathogens doesn’t just stop at wearing PPE! Some other ways to take preventive measures are:
- Washing your hands after dealing with blood or any type of bodily fluid. Yes, even when you’ve worn gloves.
- Never pick up broken glass. Clear the area while wearing gloves and disinfect the broom and dustpan after you finish. Don’t forget to wear your shoes!
- Avoid needles and needle sticks. Always use a sharp container for disposal of needles and even abrasions.
- Disinfect everything with alcohol and bleach. Center for Disease Control recommends bleach.
- Don’t share drinks or food. Remember, bodily fluids, especially saliva and blood, are how Bloodborne Pathogens are transferred.
- To clean up bodily fluids such as vomit or unidentified liquid, use a spill kit.
Lastly, one of the most important things to keep in mind…
- Always treat everything as Other Potential Infectious Materials (OPIM). If you come in contact with contaminated materials or substances, you’re considered exposed and that could be detrimental to your health!
So please be careful to take precautions when doing day-to-day activities in your life, because you never know when you could be exposed to a little, tiny organism classified as a Bloodborne Pathogen.

Health can be at risk when coming in contact with Bloodborne Pathogens. Learn more about preventative measures from IRT clients, Nadia and Corey.
Safety First!
A blog from IRT client, Corey.
Bloodborne Pathogens are a thing that cleans out blood. They are a microorganism that can cause a disease. Some are fatal, such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, as well as HIV. These microorganisms can be carried in infected blood and bodily fluids. I learned about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and when you wear it, use the manufactures instructions.
Bloodborne Pathogens must find a direct route of entry into the body for infection to be possible, and to infected blood or bodily fluid. It must enter the body through breaks in the skin such as cuts, burns and others. Bodily fluids can also splash into the eyes and cause infection.
Somebody said you should not share razor blades and toothbrushes. These may contain blood of bodily fluids. You may be exposed to Bloodborne Pathogens if your skin is penetrated by a needle, broken glass or other sharp objects that has been contaminated by infected material. Responding to injuries, you should be careful touching human blood.