Interested in getting BACk to Work? Thanks to a $1 million state grant, BAC has started a new program called “BACk to Work” to give those with a documented disability a chance to learn new skills they can use in the workforce. The program partners with local employers like Parrish Medical Center, Ron Jon Cape Caribe Resort and Brevard County Health and Human Services. These “host sites” will offer job site rotations for clients to participate in during a 14-week internship. There will be two internship sessions: the first will begin on September 4 and the second in January 2013. The goal is for the client to be ready and able to obtain community employment at the end of the internship.
Applications are now available in person at Brevard Achievement Center, 1845 Cogswell Street, Rockledge, FL 32955 or at local Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) offices. To learn more about the BACk to Work program, contact Guy Klenke at (321) 632-8610, ext. 261 or